AUPE recognises our long tenured members, who are aged 65 and above, with rebates on your yearly membership fees!
In the year you turn 65, eligible members will receive a pro-rated amount based on your birthday month. From the following year, eligible members will receive the full rebate amount that you are eligible for based on age and tenure:
The U65+ rebates for 2022 had been credited to our eligible members in the form of linkpoints to their NTUC Link account on 27 February 2023.
Reaching 65 and beyond is a significant milestone. AUPE will work to ensure our members continued well-being. The NTUC card is the only card that offers both a 4% rebate at Fairprice, as well as earning LinkPoints at the same time! In addition, union members who had a minimum of 10 years of membership will enjoy an extension of the NTUC Gift insurance. (click here for more information)